Tuesday, July 21, 2009

6 Month Stats and Videos

Wow, I can't believe I am going to be 6 months old tomorrow! I can't believe how fast my first half year of life went. I went to the doctor and I am looking good! I need to use some prescription cream for my eczema since it hasn't gotten much better. Oh well. After my dr.s' apt yesterday I went swimming in my friend Nat Nat's pool. I will post a picture someday...Grandma took one! In the meantime, here are my stats from today and 2 videos from last night. (I will post the videos in a bit!) ~ drools and smiles...Jack xoxo

Weight - 16 pounds 4 ounces (22nd percentile)
Height - 26.75 inches (51st percentile)
Head - 17.4 inches (55th percentile)


  1. Love the cooing Jack! Happy six months buddy! Can't wait to see you on vacation!

  2. hi jack happy half year birthday!

  3. Jack! You are certainly a boy with a lot on his mind! I was impressed with all this writing you do, but you and Mommy chit chat up a storm to each other in your videos!!! such a smart baby... Please post more videos. Aunt Liss loves to get to see your little (BIG) personality!
