Saturday, July 18, 2009

Fun at Grandma and Grandpa's (oh...and a broken computer too!)

I spent another fun week at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Mommy and Grandma took me shopping (still didn't get to that pool!) and we ran around and got a whole bunch of nothing done...that is what Grandma said at least. I didn't care - I had a great time! I also got to meet one of Grandma's really good friends, Robin, and visited with Mommy's friends' Donna, John, Jackie, Olivia, Alison, and Caroline! Guess what, when I was at Mommy's friends' house I decided to show off. I rolled all over their house like crazy. Mommy couldn't believe it because up till then I was only rolling from my belly to my back. Not out world, here I come! Then when I got home I showed Mommy how I can almost pull myself up in the crib. I overheard Mommy telling Daddy that he needs to lower the crib and put the carpet back down on the floor in the living room. I mean come on, now that I can roll I want to practice practice practice!

Friday was Mommy and Daddy's 5th anniversary. They went out to a nice dinner and Grandma and Grandpa babysat me. We had a great time and I behaved really well for them! Of course, a couple of minutes after they left, I woke up so I could give Mommy kisses!

Then this morning, just as I was about to blog, I realized the computer was BROKEN! Luckily Mommy was able to call someone and after a VERY LONG phone call, it was fixed! It is a bummer though because I heard her telling someone on the phone that everything was lost! Luckily all my photos and videos were saved on the cameras. The same can't be said of Mommy's itunes though. Oh well. Then of course, just as I was about to blog Mommy took the computer and caught up on Facebook...whatever that is. Luckily she didn't take too long and went to do some laundry. She doesn't realize that I need to connect with my fans!!! Ok, time to eat some yummy homemade applesauce. ~ drools and smiles...Jack xoxo
I love it when Grandma and Grandpa babysit!


  1. You rolled all the way over! Way to go, Jack! I bet you were saving that move up for just the right unvailing. Way to keep the crowd pleased. And your encore... attempting to pull up in the crib? Wow, Jack! A big week for you! Tell your Mommy and Daddy I said Happy Anniversary and a big congratulations to you on all your accomplishments this week, handsome!

  2. Wow, Jack, you rolled over all the way?! You really are getting bigger every day... I really love you and miss you!

  3. congrats Jack, sounds like you had an awesome week. will you teach me how to do those neat things like roll over and lift myself up? your bud, Matthew

  4. Hi Jack! You're a really big boy! I hear you can swim in the pool now. Pulling yourself up in the crib takes a lot of work. I love you lots!

  5. Thanks for all the comments everyone! You're the best!!!

  6. Hi, Jack!
    We couldn't be prouder that you decided to roll in our family room! And, you'd never know that was your first rolling experience - you sure looked like a natural to us! Plus, you are very handsome! Lots of love from your Hillsborough fans - Donna, John, Jackie, Olivia, Allison and Caroline

  7. Hi Jack - boy everyone is so proud of your accomplishments this past week. Of course you know Grandpa & me couldn't be more proud - you are certainly a delight to everyone and such a good boy all the time. Sorry that doctor had to stick you with all those needles again - what's up with that huh? Your Mommy never got stuck that much - modern medicine - I just don't know. I did hear you were quite the trooper and didn't even cry - I'm telling you - you are a delight even to thos nasty doctors that insist on sticking you. Hope you have a good nite sleep and dream happy dreams! Love, hugs, and hugh kisses - Grandma
